About me
English Version : 밑에 한글도 있습니다!
- Github : @Sungpia
- LinkedIn : @Sungwon Chung
- ChallengePost :@Sungwon Chung
- Mail : sungpia@me.com
Work Experience
Web Full-Stack Software Engineer
- (Expected) May 2015 ~ Aug 2015 / Yodle Inc. : Software Engineer Intern
- Oct 2014 ~ Present / Who's Hungry? : Rails
- Dec 2103 ~ Aug 2013 / WSB : Python-Django
- Jan 2011 ~ Jan 2013 / Korean Airforce : Java, Spring
Company Name : Who’s Hungry?
What did I do?
- Oct 2014 - Present.
- Co-founder & backend software engineer.
- DB scheme design, and implemented with postgreSQL.
- API server design, and developed with Ruby on Rails.
- Server architecture design, and implemented with AWS.
- Elastic Load Balancer
- RESTful API server on EC2 Instances with Rails
- RDB Server with postgreSQL
What is Who’s Hungry?
Website: Whos Hungry?
Sometimes it’s cumbersome to gather people up : who to eat with? where should I go eat? when should we meet?Who’s Hungry? simplifies all these process and picks restaurant by people’s vote. Surprisingly, you don’t even have to call to check where they are, or call to pick you up. Every process to eat, we provide it.
WSB (We are the Silver Bullet)
What did I do?
- Dec 2013 - Oct 2014.
- Backend software engineer.
- DB scheme design, and implemented with mySQL.
- API server design, and developed with python and Django.
- Server architecture design, and implemented with AWS.
- 1 EC2 instance.
what is SASIM
Mobile(iOS/Android) SNS application for Hanyang University students. Just as YikYak is based on GPS location, SASIM is based on college students schedule(time).
Republic Of Korea AirForce(ROKAF)
What did I do?
- Jan 2011 - Jan 2013
- Duty of Encryption and Decryption
- Sergeant
Projects : Out Of School
Oculus Rift Audio Visualizer 3D
2015 Spring.
MLH Hackathon: CodeRed; Houston, TX.
3rd prize winner.
- 3D equalizer met virtual reality using Oculus Rift, with analyzed audio input. 3D equalizer’s are flowing around you every time!
- Audio inputs and instantiation of equalizer objects and camera with Unity3D
- Analyzed audio inputs and movement of equalizer objects with Javascript
Demo Videos:
- 2015 Spring.
- MLH Hackathon: HackDFW; Dallas, TX.
- Participant.
- More and more people are using SNS these days. More and more pictures on SNS. Sometimes there are pictures with people or animal who need help. Users are trying to “like", “comment" or “share" it to let other people know about it. However, we defined those actions as “Selfish". Pushing some buttons does not really help somebody else. We made those actions to donate penny by using hashtags on our SNS posts. Now “like", “comment", and “sharing" became “Selfless".
How it works?
- Register to our service, Selfless
- User uploading the post use #BeSelfless hashtag
- If user also using our service likes that post, we’ll parse the hashtag and make him donate penny automatically using Stripe.
- Wrote SNS hashtag parser with Python
- Designed API and DB server, implemented with Rails and postgreSQL on AWS
- Wrote simple summary screen that can see realtime donation and user information with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/GoogleChart
Dakeram (Group Alarm)
- 2014 Fall.
- K-Hackathon: Seoul, Korea
- 2nd place winner.
- World is consisted of small and big teams. Study groups, work teams, small and big meet-ups are everywhere now. Dakeram is group alarm application for team or group. It alarms you when you have important meetings or time before meet-up. This alarm is never turned off until everyone in the team turns if off.
Demo Video:
Demo on Youtube
- Designed API and DB server, implemented with Python and Django on AWS
Projects: School & Individual
Pascal Compiler
- 2015 Spring.
- UT Austin: CS375 Compilers; taught by: G. Novak
- Creating compiler for pascal: most of grammar and machine code to execute it.
- C
Lisp Interpreter
- 2014 Fall.
- UT Austin: CS345 Programming Languages; taught by: T. Dillig
- Made interpreter for L, simple version of functional programming language Lisp.
- C++, yacc(Bison, Flex).
Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Dec 2013 - Feb 2014
- Hanyang University: Professor Dr. Arne Kutzner
- Made front-end that shows mRNA comparison
- Wrote web crawler that collects DNA information from web
- Prototyping
- C++ / HTML
3rd Prize Winner in CodeRed.
- by MLH: CodeRed.
- April 2015
2nd Prize Winner in K-Hackathon.
- by Korea Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Homepage
- Oct 2014
Highest Honor of Hanyang University.
- by President of Hanyang University.
- Mar 2014
Bronze Medal in National Olympiad of Informatics
- by Korea Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Homepage
- 2003, 2004
University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, TX, US.
- Aug 2014 - present.
- Computer Science, reciprocal exchange student.
- Fall, 2014
- CS311: Discrete Mathematics (Dr. Mohamed G. Gouda)
- CS331 : Algorithms & Complexity (Dr. Anna Gal)
- CS347 : Data Management (Dr. Daniel P. Miranker)
- CS345 : Programming Languages (Dr. T. Dillig)
CS178 : Longhorn Startup Seminar (Dr. Bob Metcalfe)
Spring, 2015
- M362K: Probability1 (Dr. Dave Rusin)
- M408C: Calculus1 (Dr. Xavier Ros-Oton)
- CS375: Compilers (Dr. G. Novak)
- CS378: Longhorn Startup Lab (Dr. Bob Metcalfe)
Hanyang University
- Seoul, Korea.
- Mar 2010 - present.
- Major GPA:
- Information System, College of Engineering
- Spring, 2013
- CSE1002: Introduction To Computer Science(Dr. Youngjoon Won)
- ITE1009: C Programming (Dr.Arne Kutzner)
- GEN0044: Principles of Business Administration (Dr. Jongchang Ahn)
- CUL0005: Korean Speaking and Writing
- GEN4091: Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology
- SYH0001: Human Leadership
- GEN6032: Professional Academic English
- GEN6044: Hanyang Community Service
GEN5029: Seminar for Freshman
Fall, 2013
- APA2051: Data Structures(Dr. Youngjoon Won)
- ITE3016: Database System(Dr. Youngjoon Won)
- ITE1010: C++ Programming(Dr. Arne Kutzner)
- ITE1012: Introduction to Information System(Dr. Jongchang Ahn)
- ACC2056: Accounting(Dr. Chungook Lee)
- HYU0002: University Mathematics (Calculus) (Dr. Junghan Paek)
ECO1006: Principles of Microeconomics (Dr. Jungjoo Kim)
Spring, 2014
- CSE3004: Operating System (Dr. Youngjoon Won)
- ELE3019: Computer Architecture 1 (Dr. Hyunook Oh)
- ITE3032: Objective Oriented Programming (Dr. Arne Kutzner)
- ITE2020: Web System Programming 1 (Dr. Nankyung Lee)
- CUL6031: Scientists and Engineers at Work with the World (Dr. Hoyoen Kim)
PAD3003: Organization Theory (Dr. Chungook Lee)
Summer, 2014
ISS1021: Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
- GEN7039: Eassy Writing1 (Short Writing)
- C: ICPC style coding contest, Pascal Compilers, ...
- C++: ICPC style coding contest, Lisp Interpreter, mRNA, DNA parser, ...
- Rails: Who’s Hungry?, Selfless, ...
- Python: Lots of projects ...
- Java : OOP concepts, ...
HTML/CSS: Portfolio, ...
JavaScript: Web experiences, Unity3D exposure...
- postgreSQL : Basic queries
- mySQL : Basic queries
- oracleSQL : Basic queries, school projects
Environments & Tools
- Unix: Beginner
Linux: Beginner
Vim: Intermediate Level
- AWS: Running service with 1LB, 3 EC2, 1RDB with replication
- Latex
Yacc(Bison & Flex)
- ARM assembly : School project
- Swift : Hybird app
- Objective-C : Hybrid app
- Unity3D : Hackathon experience
- Oculus Rift : Hackathon experience
English Version : 한국 버전은 밑에 있습니다.
- Github : @Sungpia
LinkedIn : @Sungwon Chung
ChallengePost :@Sungwon Chung
- Mail : sungpia@me.com
Work Experience
Web Full-Stack Software Engineer
웹 풀스택 개발자
Abstract 요약
- Oct 2014 ~ Present / Who's Hungry? : Rails
- Dec 2103 ~ Aug 2013 / WSB : Python-Django
- Jan 2011 ~ Jan 2011 / Korean Airforce : Java, Spring
Company Name : Who’s Hungry?
What did I do?
- Oct 2014 - Present.
- Co-founder & backend software engineer.
- DB scheme design, and implemented with postgreSQL.
- API server design, and developed with Ruby on Rails.
- Server architecture design, and implemented with AWS.
- Elastic Load Balancer
- RESTful API server on EC2 Instances with Rails
- RDB Server with postgreSQL
제가 한 것들
- 공동 창업과 서버 개발을 하였습니다.
- 디비 설계와 구현을 postgreSQL의 도움을 받아 하였습니다.
- API 서버 설계와 개발을 Ruby on Rails로 하였습니다.
- 서버 설계와 구현을 AWS의 도움을 받아 하였습니다.
- Elastic Load Balancer
- RESTful API서버를 레일즈로 구현하고, EC2에 올려놓았습니다.
- 관계형 데이터베이스 서버 postgreSQL
Product 제품
What is Who’s Hungry?
Website: Whos Hungry?
Sometimes it’s cumbersome to gather people up : who to eat with? where should I go eat? when should we meet?Who’s Hungry? simplifies all these process and picks restaurant by people’s vote. Surprisingly, you don’t even have to call to check where they are, or call to pick you up. Every process to eat, we provide it.
Who’s Hungry?는 무엇인가요?
Website: Whos Hungry?
사람들이 모여 밥을 먹을 때, 누구와 만날지, 어디서 먹을지, 언제 먹을지 정하는 과정은 번거롭고 귀찮습니다. 이 과정을 단축시키고, 레스토랑을 투표로 골라줍니다. “너 언제오냐?" “차로 데릴러 와 줄 수 있어?" 라는 말 할 필요까지 없이, 모든 서비스를 단축시켜 줍니다.
WSB (We are the Silver Bullet)
What did I do?
- Dec 2013 - Oct 2014.
- Backend software engineer.
- DB scheme design, and implemented with mySQL.
- API server design, and developed with python and Django.
- Server architecture design, and implemented with AWS.
- 1 EC2 instance.
제가 한 것들
- 서버 개발자
- DB 설계와 구현을 mySQL로 하였습니다.
- API 서버 설계와 개발을 python과 Django로 하였습니다.
- 서버 설계와 구현을 AWS로 하였습니다.
- 단일 서버
Products 제품
what is SASIM
Mobile(iOS/Android) SNS application for Hanyang University students. Just as YikYak is based on GPS location, SASIM is based on college students schedule(time).
사심(사자가 심심할 때) 는 무엇인가요?
사자가 심심할 때는 iOS/Android 모바일 SNS 앱으로, 한양 대학교 학생들을 위해 만들어졌습니다. YikYak이 위치정보를 기반으로 한 SNS라면, 사자가 심심할 때는 대학생들이 심심해 할 시간에 맞춘 SNS입니다.
Korean Airforce 대한민국 공군
What did I do?
- Jan 2011 - Jan 2013
- Duty of Encryption and Decryption
- Sergeant
뭘 했나요?
- 보안체계관리병
- 병장 만기 제대
Projects: Hackathons 해커톤 프로젝트들
Oculus Rift Audio Visualizer 3D
2015 Spring.
MLH Hackathon: CodeRed; Houston, TX.
3rd prize winner.
- 음원을 분석하여 만든 3D 이퀄라이저가 가상현실을 만나 주위에서 불쑥 불쑥 나타나는 Oculus Rift용 음악 감상 프로그램입니다.
Unity3D로 음원 입력을 받고, 객체와 카메라를 구현하고, JavaScript로 음원 스펙트럼을 분석하고 객체를 움직이게 했습니다.
데모 영상
- Link: Rock Music Demo on Youtube
- Link: Rap Music Demo on Youtube
- [Link: Rap] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SzChEG7oGU)
- 2015 Spring.
- MLH Hackathon: HackDFW; Dallas, TX.
- Participant.
- 점점 더 많은 사람들이 SNS를 이용합니다. 많은 사진들 가운데 도움을 필요로 하는 사진들도 올라옵니다. 우리는 그 사진들을 “좋아요" 하거나 “댓글"을 달거나 “공유" 함으로써 그런 상황을 알리고자 합니다. 하지만 저희는 이 행위를 “이기적Selfish"로 생각합니다. 단순히 버튼들을 누르는 것으로는 직접 도움이 되지 못합니다. 그래서 인스타그램, 트위터 등의 SNS의 해시태그를 이용해 “좋아요"나 “댓글"을 이용해 10원 씩 기부를 할 수 있게 하는, “이타적인Selfless" 서비스 입니다.
- 사진을 업로드 하는 사람들이 #BeSelfless 해시태그를 답니다. Selfless에 가입된 유저가 해시태그가 달린 사진을 좋아요 하면 10원이 연동된 Stripe 계정으로 결제됩니다. 10원들이 쌓여서 큰 돈이 되면, Stripe로 결제를 해서 기부를 합니다.
Python으로 만들어진 웹 크롤러들이 SNS 해시태그들을 파싱합니다. (#Selfless)
Rails로 만들어진 API서버 요청을 보내 DB 서버에 접근해 데이터를 저장합니다.
- Python으로 SNS 해시태그 정보를 수집하는 프로그램을 제작하였습니다.
- API와 DB서버를 설계하고, Ruby on Rails와 postgreSQL로 구현하였습니다.
- AWS에 python 파서와, Rails 서버를 구축하였습니다.
- 기부 현황, 간단한 유저 정보를 볼 수 있는 페이지를 만들었습니다. (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/GoogleChart)
- 2014 Fall.
- K-Hackathon: Seoul, Korea
- 2nd place winner.
- 이제 세상은 팀으로 움직입니다. 공부를 할 때도 스터디 그룹을 만들고, 일을 할때도. 크고 작은 소모임들이 전국에서 계속 생겨납니다. 다깨람은 팀들을 위한 알람앱 입니다. 팀에 중요한 행사나, 모임 시간 전에 알람을 다 같이 울려줍니다. 이 알람은 팀원이 모두 끌 때 까지, 절대 꺼지지 않습니다.
Demo on Youtube
- API와 DB서버를 설계하고, Python, Django로 구현하였습니다.
Projects: School & Individual
Pascal Compiler
- 2015 Spring.
- UT Austin: CS375 Compilers; taught by: G. Novak
- 파스칼의 문법을 대부분 구현하고, 머신코드까지 생성해 내는 컴파일러를 제작하였습니다.
- C
Lisp Interpreter
- 2014 Fall.
- UT Austin: CS345 Programming Languages; taught by: T. Dillig
- Lisp의 기능을 축소한 L이라는 함수형 언어의 인터프리터를 제작하였습니다.
- C++, yacc(Bison, Flex).
Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Dec 2013 - Feb 2014
- Hanyang University: Professor Dr. Arne Kutzner
- 연구의 시작에 함께하여 mRNA 들을 비교해서 보여주는 프론트 엔드와, DNA 정보를 받아오는 웹 크롤러 등 프로토타입을 제작하였습니다.
- C++ / HTML
Awards 상
3rd Prize Winner in CodeRed.
- by MLH: CodeRed.
- April 2015
2nd Prize Winner in K-Hackathon.
- by Korea Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Homepage
- Oct 2014
Highest Honor of Hanyang University.
- by President of Hanyang University.
- Mar 2014
Bronze Medal in National Olympiad of Informatics
- by Korea Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Homepage
- 2003, 2004
University of Texas at Austin
- Austin, TX, US.
- Aug 2014 - present.
- Computer Science, reciprocal exchange student.
- Fall, 2014
- CS311: Discrete Mathematics (Dr. Mohamed G. Gouda)
- CS331 : Algorithms & Complexity (Dr. Anna Gal)
- CS347 : Data Management (Dr. Daniel P. Miranker)
- CS345 : Programming Languages (Dr. T. Dillig)
CS178 : Longhorn Startup Seminar (Dr. Bob Metcalfe)
Spring, 2015
- M362K: Probability1 (Dr. Dave Rusin)
- M408C: Calculus1 (Dr. Xavier Ros-Oton)
- CS375: Compilers (Dr. G. Novak)
- CS378: Longhorn Startup Lab (Dr. Bob Metcalfe)
Hanyang University
- Seoul, Korea.
- Mar 2010 - present.
- Major GPA:
- Information System, College of Engineering
- Spring, 2013
- CSE1002: 전산학개론 (원영준 교수님)
- ITE1009: C프로그래밍 (Dr. Arne Kutzner)
- GEN0044: 경영학원론 (안종창 교수님)
- CUL0005: 말과글
- GEN4091: 과학기술의 철학적 이해
- SYH0001: 휴먼리더십(HELP1)
- GEN6032: 전문학술영어
- GEN6044: 한양사회봉사
GEN5029: 새내기세미나
Fall, 2013
- APA2051: 데이터구조 (원영준 교수님)
- ITE3016: 데이터베이스시스템 (원영준 교수님)
- ITE1010: C++프로그래밍 (Dr. Arne Kutzner)
- ITE1012: 정보시스템개론 (안종창 교수님)
- ACC2056: 회계학 (이춘국 교수님)
- HYU0002: 대학수학 (백정한 교수님)
ECO1006: 미시경제원론 (김정주 교수님)
Spring, 2014
- CSE3004: 오퍼레이팅시스템 (원영준 교수님)
- ELE3019: 컴퓨터구조1 (오현옥 교수님)
- ITE3032: 객체지향프로그래밍-JAVA (Dr. Arne Kutzner)
- ITE2020: 웹시스템프로그래밍1 (이난경 교수님)
- CUL6031: 세상으로걸어간과학기술자들 (김호연 교수님)
PAD3003: 조직론 (이춘국 교수님)
Summer, 2014
- ISS1021: Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
- GEN7039: 영어작문1(단문에세이)
- C: 코딩 콘테스트, Pascal 컴파일러 등...
- C++: 코딩 콘테스트, Lisp 인터프리터, (mRNA, DNA 파서, 분석기, 크롤러) 등...
- Rails: Who’s Hungry? Selfless 등...
- Python: 다 수의 웹 크롤러, SASIM(WSB) 등...
- Java: OOP 개념, 학교 과제 등...
- HTML/CSS : 다수의 웹사이트
- JavaScript : 다수의 웹사이트, Unity3D 경험
- C: ICPC style coding contest, Pascal Compilers, ...
- C++: ICPC style coding contest, Lisp Interpreter, mRNA, DNA parser, ...
- Rails: Who’s Hungry?, Selfless, ...
- Python: Lots of projects ...
- Java : OOP concepts, ...
- HTML/CSS: Portfolio, ...
- JavaScript: Web experiences, Unity3D exposure...
- postgreSQL : 기본적인 문법 숙지
- mySQL : 기본적인 문법 숙지
- oracleSQL : 기본적인 문법 숙지, 학교 프로젝트로 코드 분석 경험
Environments & Tools
- Unix: Beginner
- Linux: Beginner
- Vim: Intermediate Level
- AWS: Beginner
Exposures 경험 살짝..
- Latex
- Markdown
- Yacc(Bison & Flex)
- ARM assembly : 학교 수업
- Swift : 하이브리드 앱 제작
- Objective-C : 하이브리드 앱 제작
- Unity3D : 해커톤에서 경험
- Oculus Rift : 해커톤에서 경험